Title - Entwined
Age Rating - 15
Genre - Drama / Thriller
Length - 5 minutes
Target Audience - Ages 15-30, both genders.
Both Ryan and Lewis Fogg have not seen eye to eye since the death of the grandfather. As the parents go on holiday, to Egypt for a week leaving Ryan, Lewis and Jayne in the house alone. They are told, before they go to clean out the garage. Ryan and Jayne are looking at a photo album whilst Lewis is sat on other sofa texting with earphones in, Ryan and Jayne begin to cry whilst looking through the photos. An argument ensues in which Lewis prods fun at Ryan for crying. Ryan retaliates by saying that Lewis has no heart and does not cry at anything.
As they are cleaning out the garage, Lewis says that Ryan should clean out the garage on himself for being such a crybaby. At this point, Ryan touches a watch that belonged to his grandfather, in which he disappears. As Lewis returns to the garage, he thinks Ryan is messing about, but concedes that he's probably just gone out with his friends.
In the next scene, a news programme is reporting on Ryan Fogg going missing. As it pans out of the telly we see Lewis and Jayne panicking about what to do. As they carry on with there normal life, hoping that Ryan will turn up, they decide not to alert their parents, and to worry them on their holiday. Weird things began to happen around the house, in which Lewis decides to call somebody as he thinks the spirit of his grandfather is in the house. As the man turns up, he tells him that no spirits are in the house.
Lewis and Jayne are talking about what they are going to do when Mum and Dad come back. As Jayne goes downstairs to phone their Mum and Dad, Lewis picks up a photo of the 3 of them, and says 'Where are you Ryan?'. As a tear falls, and hits the photo, Ryan appears sat on the bed opposite him. As the brothers hug, they realise that Jayne is on the phone to the Mum and Dad, to which they run downstairs to tell her of the news. Shows the 3 of them hugging, and pans back over to the photo. Fades to black.
Suggested Elements:-
Fade to Black.
Disappearing and Reappearing.
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