Sunday, 27 February 2011

Radio trailer script

This will be our script for our 30 second radio trailer.
Voice over: Entwined... the fate of one, rests with the other...

by Pigs Can't Fly productions

Starring Joshua Nutt as Ryan..

Ryan Fogg: Would you even cry if I died?

Voiceover: And Connor Asquith as Lewis Fogg..

Lewis Fogg: Honestly... no.

Two brothers who never got along, until one of them goes missing..

also starring Laura Bentley as Jayne Fogg..

Jayne Fogg: Somehow you've managed to upset him so much that he might never come back.

*Alarm clock* *Static sound*

*Music starts to play.. lyrics 'No matter where you go, just remember where we've been*

*Music start to fade*

Voice over: *quiet* coming to a cinema near you..

Poster analysis

I decided to do an analysis of the film 'Freaky Friday' seen as we always had it in the back of our mind that we wanted to replicate the genre of this particular film. The first thing that you notice when looking at the poster would be the two women in the middle of the poster. Both similar looking, so you can begin to establish that they may have some relation. The outfits of both the women seem peculiar as the younger one seems to be wearing very mature clothing while the older woman seems to be a stark contrast, dressed immaturely.

The next thing that you notice would be the title of 'Freaky Friday'. The font that is used gives a feeling of queasiness and is quite peculiar. By simply writing it in capital letters, it seems like the title is being shouted at you.

The background of the particular poster is something that tells us a lot about the poster. By splitting it into 2, we can see that the women are divided and do not get along and it is often that they keep to themselves. The colours of green and purple are exact opposite on a colour wheel telling us that these two are complete opposites.

The tag line of 'Every teenager's nightmare...turning into her mother.' at the top of the poster sheds light on to what the film is actually about. This is a clever tag line as teenagers often say they don't want to end up like being their mother when they are older, and they use that here, but with a complete different meaning. The meaning being that the daughter is actually in the body of her mother. We can see that they have swapped bodies, hence the reason for the clothes change. Also, probably the reason for the swapping of the actresses name's just underneath the tag-line. You would expect Lindsay Lohan to be stood underneath her own name, and same vise versa but it has been deliberately done to give us an idea what the film is about.

The last thing that I noticed when looking at this film poster would be the credits which are given near the bottom end of the poster. We can see it is a Disney film and then notable people within creating and starring in the film are mentioned at the very bottom of the page. The 'Get your freak on August 1st' tells us of the release date, but does it in a more creative way than just 'Coming August 1st'. By putting that on the very bottom, it is the last thing that you read and sticks in your mind.

Wednesday, 23 February 2011

Radio Trailer Analysis - Batman The Dark Knight

Radio Trailer Analysis - Batman The Dark Knight

I choose to carry on with the Batman theme for my analysis mainly because I think the way the film is advertised really grabs the audience's attention. However I couldn't find the Official Radio trailer for the film, but I did manage to find the teaser trailer, which doesn't show any actual scenes from the film. The first thing we hear when we listen to the radio trailer is ominous music that has a crescendo, and gradually gets louder. Then we hear the wind howl which also sets a strange tone to the trailer. Just as the sound of the wind comes to a halt, we hear a voice saying the words "I knew the mob wouldn't go down without a fight." for those people who have seen the film know this is "Batman", with this simple statement said at the beginning of the trailer, the audience knows instantly that there is going to be action within the film and that in turn generates mental images of what will happen. The music then picks up speed, and gets louder still, while in the background there is the faint sound of a clock ticking, this could be to show either that there is little time for "Batman" to save "Gotham". This creates tension between the listeners but also excitement. However it could also be the clock ticking down to the release date of the film, sticking in the audience's minds that it is not long until the film hits the big screens. "Batman" goes on to say "...but this is different, they've crossed a line" this strongly emphasises the fact that the film is going to contain vast amounts of action and thrills. As the voice of "Batman" dies down, the music gets louder again, with the backing of the clock ticking away faster. We then hear a second voice, who seems to be having a conversation with "Batman" again people who have seen the film will know this is "Alfred the Butler". The first thing he says is " You crossed the line first sir, you hammered them and in their desperation, they turned to a man they didn't fully understand", this speech in the trailer gives subtle hints to the audience that there is a new villain in "Gotham" and that he is an unstable character that shouldn't be trusted. The music quickly speeds up and the drops quieter again and "Alfred" then says "Some men aren't looking for something logical, they cant be bought, bullied, reasoned or negotiated with...", this strongly emphasises the fact this particular villain is not to be taken lightly. Hearing this it causes the audience to imagine this strange, sadistic villain in their minds, this creates anticipation among the listeners. He finalises the fact that this new villain has no remorse by whispering "... some men just want to watch the world burn" the whispering shows that "Alfred" himself is scared of this man, which makes the audience worry about who he is, and what he is capable of. With the end of the speech from "Alfred" the music gets to its loudest point, and strings kick in to build up even more tension. Along side the strings we hear the third voice, which is the voice of "Gotham's" new villain the "Joker", he gives the statement "Starting tonight... People will die... I'm a man of my word", this is the most powerful part of the trailer, as the new villain has a voice that will stick in the listeners minds, also the statement blows open the tension built up throughout the trailer as it states "People will die". The last thing we hear from the "Joker" is the psychotic laughter, that echos on for a couple of seconds, this will haunt the minds of the listeners until the release date of the film. Finally the music drowns out almost all the laughter, but there is still a faint echo in the background, and we are left with the clock ticking faster and stronger, until it completely cuts out, which, again could show that "Batman" is now out of time, or that it is now even closer to the films release date. Leaving the trailer on the clock ticking down really stays with the audience, as they will be eager to know what happens when time literally runs out for "Batman".

Monday, 21 February 2011

Poster Analysis - Batman The Dark Knight

I choose to analyse the Batman Dark Knight poster, because I feel that it is very simple, yet very powerful which is what I hope the Entwined poster to be.

The first thing that catches the audience eyes is the "Joker" who is centralised. The photo is shot from a low angle, to show power and authority. He is stood at an angle to connote his strange personality, and the face paint and colour of his hair also shows that this is a deranged individual. These are subtle hints on the poster which gives away information about storyline, without telling you too much. In his hand we can see a gun, which shows the audience this person is a villain, and is to be feared.

In the background we see a city skyline in ruins with sparks and embers floating in the wind around the central character, which tells the audience there is going to be disaster and plenty of action happening during the film. The centralised character implies who causes it all, but the poster doesn't give away how it's all going to happen. The buildings in the background are to the side of the poster, not in the center behind the central character - to keep the focus on the "Joker"
The colour of the sky shows that disaster has struck "Gotham City", with debris flying through the air. The pale grey sky that's practically black, shows how dark the centralised character is - which is in contrast with his bright, smart purple suit. This colour isn't generally associated with evil, this also emphasises how strange this character is.

The titles that are below the centralised character, at the bottom of the poster, have a burst of light coming out from behind the Bat (Batman's Logo) this shows hope and that "Batman" is trying to stop what is happening to "Gotham City".
The font is capitalised and coloured white to stand out from the main image and spread across the bottom of the poster and the letters are widely spaced from one end to the other. The poster doesn't say that it is a "Batman" film, but due to the Bat logo being behind the "Dark Knight" titles, the audience can depict what the film is.

Due to this film having an All Star cast, their names are along the top of the poster, in the same font as the main titles, to boast the fact that all the actors are well known. This is used to grab the audiences attention towards the film, because their favourite actors may be staring in the film.

Below the main titles, in a large bold font, are the words "Coming Soon" to generate interest in the film. When the audience see this poster and notice there is no specific date of release to the Cinemas, they will go out and research on the Internet to find a date, and maybe even watch some trailers, which in turn could generate word of mouth advertising.

Finally below "Coming Soon" is the companies that made the film happen, showing who made the film can also cause hype. Being produced by a big named company - in this case "Warner Bros", people will automatically think it is going to be a blockbuster due to their previous creations.

Friday, 11 February 2011

Entwined Audience Research

This is the Audience feedback we received for our draft copy of our full film. Using this feedback we will be able to improve our film before it is made final.

Friday, 4 February 2011

PCF Logo for Film

This is the image we will be using on our film to promote our production name.

Refilming - Complete

Re-filming has been completed, and editing has once again commenced, This should not take too long.

A Second draft should be posted soon.

Thursday, 3 February 2011

Development Pictures

These are the images we are planning to use in our title sequence in our movie, the first of the images is going to appear with the pocket watch fading in then with the slogan eventually fading in underneath.

Tuesday, 1 February 2011

First draft, what needs to be done..

Below is the improvements and faults that we have noticed in our film, some can be rectified, and some can't.
We will post a comment on what we are planning to do, if the problem can be fixed.

0:02- Colour seens off, and also changes when the titles disappear but can easily be fixed with the colour changer on Final Cut Pro.
0:05- It is also worth noting that this opening is quiet and we need to locate a piece of music that can fill the silence. Also, the title of 'Entwined' doesn't stand out so may need relocating.
0:20- James' reflection can be seen in the reflection of the side window, yet nothing can be done about this and is not THAT noticeable.
0:25- a little bang can be heard in the sound but can easily be edited out of the sound.
0:28- the audio of Ryan talking is not very snappy and also comes in very early, but can be edited very easily.
1:00- The line, You can give me a hand, you know' is cut off slightly at the end, but it's just a case of the audio being slightly extended.
1:21- The line, 'Look' seems very loud due to Ryan being close to the camera, yet we can just edit the audio levels so it is quieter.
1:31- James' head can be seen sat at the bottom of the staircase, yet can easily be wire-framed.
2:02- The news broadcast has a very long pause at this point, yet it's not too bad of a mistake, and nothing can be done about it.
2:10- The most FRUSTRATING part of this film, is the emphasis that Lewis and Jayne put on the letter 'K' when talking. I am determined to edit the sound to this, so it is not as noticeable.
2:14- The character of Jayne's arm changes very quickly, yet without reshooting the entire scene then this is not fixable, yet not a massive mistake.
2:27- Lewis changes position, ever so slightly, but not that noticeable, and was only noticed by 1 person out of about 20 people who watched it. But, again without shooting the entire scene, is not fixable.
2:49- Titles are needed to indicate that is the next day.
3:01- As 'Help' is being wrote on the mirror, a banging can be heard. Can easily be edited in the audio.
3:10- Wipes needed to be added to 'Help' to make it look like it is actually being wrote.
3:13- A fade on the sound is needed for the end of the shower, so the shower doesn't just end abruptly.
3:29- Lewis looks at whoever is behind the camera, but nothing can be done.
3:50- It is not evident that Lewis is walking around the corner, yet this will be re-filmed.
3:58- Close up of radio is needed.
4:01- 'Unrendered'screen is visable for a split second, but this was just a little glitch when publishing. Can easily be fixed.
4:06- Close up of microwave is needed.
4:25- Lewis' head jumps forward and this shot is focused on the fan, and not on Connor's face so needs re-shooting.
4:41- Shot-reverse shot is needed.
5:30- In the end credits, we need to credit music to Jamie Rumley.